
Kenya Legacy Expedition

Celebrating the culmination of community Legacy Planning for Ngilai, Northern Kenya | Roshni Lodhia/Legado

A Journey of Adventure, Discovery, and Legacy Building in Kenya in 2025

Kenya 2025 Legacy Expedition

Feb. 6 - Feb. 15, 2025

We Have a Future to Craft Together

In Winter 2025, Legado is bringing six supporters to the Mathews Mountain Range in Kenya for a once-in-a-lifetime journey to create legacies with the Samburu people who steward of one of world’s most biodiverse mountain ecosystems.

Join us on a journey of adventure and creation. The trip combines working with the Samburu people of the Ngilai Community to create their legacies for a Thriving Future with adventures like hiking and safari game drives in the land of rhinos and elephants.

The capstone of our time together is helping support one of Legado’s Legacy Planning workshops. Our recent workshop in Namunyak brought together over 95 Samburu leaders with Legado’s team and champions from across the US. Together we created personal and community legacies centered around stronger livelihoods and healthy forests, equal access to education, gender equity in governance, and more—leading to Thriving Futures for all.

Expedition Details

Our trip begins with a quick overnight in Nairobi before we fly the next morning to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, where we enjoy deluxe accommodations, wonderful food, and access to all of Lewa’s rich wildlife and recreation opportunities. We spend two nights in Lewa exploring the area by foot and on game drives before we travel north.

The second portion of our journey is focused in Samburu County—the heart of the Matthews Range, one of the largest remaining tracts of forest in Northern Kenya and home to Legado’s newest programs in Africa.

Mayanae Lemojong, Ngilai, Northern Kenya | Roshni Lodhia/Legado

Once we are in Samburu County, you as a Legado “champion” will jump in and help support Legado’s signature legacy programming with 100+ Samburu community participants as they craft their Thriving Future. Each champion contributes in different ways, from co-hosting a youth session on how to maintain the Samburu culture and end female genital mutilation, to helping facilitate a women’s discussion about micro-business opportunities, to drawing flip charts in English and Samburu, to welcoming and thanking each participant every morning, and more. You are truly one of our team as we all work to create an inclusive, dynamic, fun, and fruitful Legacy program.

Our time also includes hiking and walking in and around the Matthews Range and foothills and ends with a flight out of nearby Samburu airport either back to Nairobi or to another destination of your choice.

Highlights from previous Kenya expeditions | Legado

We've Been Running Our Legacy Expeditions Since 2015 — Join Us!

Why Legacy?

The cumulative impact of individual actions sets the trajectory of the future. When people think of their lives as having a legacy, they are emboldened to conceive and drive their own vision for a Thriving Future.

Legado works to activate the power of legacy so that people and their natural environment can thrive together—now and into the future.

Our Kenya Legacy Expedition offers an opportunity to join the Legado team and our community partners to mobilize legacies in Kenya’s Matthews Range.

“My experience traveling to Mount Namuli and working with Legado was exceptional. The participants in our three-day workshop ranged from community members, to agricultural specialists, to Ministry Officials. This area of the planet is more beautiful than anywhere I’ve traveled, and I’d be thrilled for another opportunity to walk under the open sky of Mozambique. Majka’s style of leadership includes self-discovery, autonomy, and movement. I came away from my trip to Mount Namuli a transformed person and more able to be in service of my own community.“

Christine Bachman

Legado + You in 2025

Join us to support the Samburu communities to create their vision, determine goals, and initiate actions for a Thriving Future for their people and mountains during our Kenya Legacy Expedition.
Jared Lenemiria celebrates completing a Community Legacy Workshop | Legado

Your Contribution

Each trip participant will commit to a tax-receiptable investment of $12,000 USD to cover trip costs and help expand the scope and reach of Legado’s work around the world. A 50% deposit of $6,000 holds your spot and a final matching donation of $6,000 is due October 1st.

Note: Legado will cover all in-country expenses directly related to your stay beginning in Nairobi, Kenya, including food, lodging, local transportation, and adventures, as well as roundtrip air travel from Nairobi to Northern Kenya.

A group photo after completion of community legacy building for Ngilai, Northern Kenya | Roshni Lodhia/Legado

What About COVID?

All participants have to have up to date vaccinations and boosters, and must comply with COVID testing requirements of Kenya and their home countries.

We cannot legally issue refunds for any donations already received. If a trip is cancelled, then any donations already received associated with the Legacy Expedition will be credited towards a future Legacy Expedition. For example, if you have contributed $7,500 already for this program, you will only need to contribute the balance for the next Legacy Expedition.

Your first step is to let us know you're interested.

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