Herpetologist Harith Farooq (with snake hook) and Grant Bemis in the sedge community on the the lower flanks for Mt. Namuli, Mozambique. Photo by James Q Martin.
A month ago I finished up my time volunteering on the Lost Mountain Project in Mozambique and Malawi. My time in Africa was a compilation of intense, non-stop, awe-inspiring experiences; difficult to appreciate all of it while it was happening. I was there as a volunteer, and an ambassador for Positive Tracks–a national, youth-centric nonprofit that helps young people get active and give back using the power of sport and adventure (I raised money for a Positive Tracks Youth Fundraising Challenge which is still going- click here to get involved). What stands out to me most from the whole adventure is not the beautiful sights, the grueling hikes, or the amazing accomplishments, but the people that made all of these events and experiences possible. Our very eclectic group of wildly talented individuals made the Lost Mountain Project a success, and was the highlight of the entire trip.

Grant Bemis making use of a stream bed as a thoroughfare through the forest. Photo by James Q Martin.
Our group included elite climbers, world class videographers, international scientists and environmentalists. At first, I was a little concerned how everyone was going to get along, as each of us was so different from every other. To my relief, by the end of our first day on Mt. Mulanje in Malawi, any worry I had was gone. I quickly found that we all shared highly adventurous spirits and that we all liked to have fun. This, plus plenty of helpful, directional guidance from our leader, Majka Burhardt, made for a truly awesome expedition. Although we were only able to spend just over a month together, the friends made on the Lost Mountain will never be forgotten. In such a short amount of time we lived a lifetime of memories and made life long friendships. These great people and my time spent with them were life changing, and I am thankful for the opportunity.
There are so many projects worldwide to participate in, I encourage anyone interested in making a difference to follow their dreams. The Lost Mountain dream isn’t over for any of us yet, either– the media team is putting together a full documentary film as well as a Positive Tracks Gen Next Short Film to share the story. I’ll be involved in those as well. I’m also designing my next great adventure as we speak, inspired by all that I learned on this one. What’s in store for me down the road is still a work in progress, but I am liking the direction things are heading.
Join in: Positive Tracks and Funding Partners double your contribution when you join the Lost Mountain Positive Tracks Youth Fundraising Challenge and send Grant and fellow youth ambassador Charlie Harrison to their goal.
Trading a cap and gown for a harness and helmet: Grant’s Lost Mountain Take off Story