Bryna Griffin has over 10 years experience supporting protected area development, rehabilitation and management. From 2009 through 2013, she led a series of large, complex conservation programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). These programs involved landscape-level land use planning, community-based reserve development, national park management, REDD+ and conservation incentive agreements in challenging social and political situations. She has experience reconciling diverse stakeholder interests while cultivating partnerships with local communities, NGOs, government, and development agencies to achieve conservation results on the ground. Bryna has also worked on program design and strategy, supporting Frankfurt Zoological Society to roll out its Africa strategy in 2015 and developing its DRC country strategy. She has contributed to regional and species action plans such as 2006 CEPF Upper Guinean Forest Ecosystem profile assessment, the 2009 Eastern Chimpanzee Action Plan, the 2011 FZS Africa Program Strategy, the 2012 Eastern DRC Great Apes Action Plan, the 2013 Okapi Action Plan and management plans for Maiko, Upemba and Kundelungu National Parks. Previously, Bryna administered a global grant portfolio for Conservation International’s Global Conservation Fund, guiding grantees through project review and several annual funding cycles, providing technical support and assessing progress. Bryna has an MSc in Environmental Studies from Florida International University Miami and a BSc in Natural Resource Studies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.